UAE consumers will have to wait at least three weeks before getting their hands on the Apple iPhone 6, which was launched in California on Tuesday night. As early as last Thursday, Apple fans began to camp outside the company’s flagship US store ahead of the launch. While an exact date for the UAE launch is not yet known, retailers in the country have estimated that it could be anywhere between three to six weeks before it arrives in local stores (or ten days online). The Khaleej Times, speaking to founder of online retailer JadoPado, Omar Kassim, estimated that the new iPhone could be available in the UAE as early as September 20, and could retail for somewhere in the region of AED3,100 ($750). “I’d expect a bit of a price premium for the first week or so, around eight to 10 per cent over Apple’s retail US prices, but I don’t expect it to change versus their current iPhone 5s prices,” Kassim said. “It is likely the iPhone 6 will be available in launch markets 10 days after the announcement.
This takes us to Friday, September 19, then add one day for us to be able to get them in, and we should be ready for deliveries,” he added. Based on previous launches, retailers speaking to local media have estimated that it could be three to six weeks before it reaches the stores in the UAE.
This takes us to Friday, September 19, then add one day for us to be able to get them in, and we should be ready for deliveries,” he added. Based on previous launches, retailers speaking to local media have estimated that it could be three to six weeks before it reaches the stores in the UAE.