Have you ever met a person who's consistently angry, hostile or bitter? Is it your boss, colleague, spouse or even yourself? People were not born that way; in time, they allowed negative feelings to dominate their daily lives and thoughts. But losing sight of your emotions and how to manage them can disadvantage you in the work place. Some experts even suggest that emotional intelligence can be more important than IQ in a corporate environment. Emotional Intelligence refers to our ability to understand, express and control our emotions. Below are five strategies from 2b Limitless’ Empowerment Coach, Adam Zargar, that will help you to gain control over your emotions at work and at home. Implementing them consistently will prepare you for greater success and arm you with problem solving skills. 1. Prepare for the day positively: Nobody wakes up and thinks they are going to have an awful day where everything is going to go wrong and they are going to end up shouting at the people around them. The plain truth is that most people wake up and don't even think about the day ahead. Note the difference in how you feel when you simply spent a few minutes visualising and preparing for having a great day ahead. Try this: Spend the first 10 minutes when you wake visualising what the great day will look like. The small things under your control that you will do/say throughout the day that will make you feel good. Involve all the senses to give it a sense of reality. 2. Exercise regularly: Yes, we’ve all heard this one before. However, this time, it is not for physical gain but rather emotional control. The key to feeling positive is to release those endorphins that come about through regular exercise. It does not have to be an hour. Just thirty minutes a day of brisk exercise can really help fight negative thoughts and leave you feeling energised. Try this: Exercise in the morning before excuses and procrastination can kick in. If you aim for only 30 minutes you will notice that once you have started the momentum will keep you exercising for longer. Remember exercise can act as a powerful multiplier with the benefits rippling across your day and relationships. 3. See the bigger picture: When you are faced with a situation or conversation that you are not happy about, it is important to take a step back and see the bigger picture. Very intense emotions blind us to the future and trick us into thinking that now is all that matters. And when we are incredibly angry or anxious, we can sometimes momentarily forget that there is even going to be a future. Try this: Take deep breaths (7 seconds in and out) to let the logical part of the brain take control. Think of the possible consequences of all the options, both positive and negative, and make an educated judgment. Ask yourself: “How will I feel tomorrow if I say/do _________.?” 4. Focus on what you can control: The great news is that you only have to control two things, your thoughts (mindset) and your actions. Other people’s actions, reactions, and environmental factors are out of your control: Building, maintaining and protecting your goals, making the best of your current job or career and strengthening your relationships at work. Try this: Commit to identifying the factors that may be holding you back and with each one ask the question “Can I control this outcome?” and give an honest answer. What you can control, change and focus on; let the others drop to the bottom of the list. 5. Forgive and let go of negative emotions: When you hold onto resentment, you are giving it the power to consume you. By not approving dismissing or condoning what someone else did, you end up suffering more than that person. Forgiveness is about setting yourself free from the bind of control. When you set yourself free you are taking control of your emotions and embracing the bigger picture. Try this: Review your day mentally prior to falling asleep. Ask yourself if there is anyone from your day that you need to forgive (including yourself) and if there is, take a few moments to do it.