Given that we’re social beings, you’d have to agree that a lot of the stress that we come across in life is intrinsically linked to our relationships. The more interpersonal baggage you’re dealing with, the less you are able to focus on getting the job done. Stress isn’t a one-off situation, hence the need to be properly managed. If not handled well, it can be a lifelong –or short– problem. One thing leads to another and it can become overwhelmingly negative on so many levels. Consider these four steps to stop personal stress from getting to you, and getting the better of your work day: 1. Regain your sense of control: Sometimes when nothing else seems to be running smoothly, the only thing that probably is would be your job- treat it as a safe haven. Knowing that you’re there for the qualities you possess, and to your liking, you’re in a place that both suits you and is suitable for you, you’re undoubtedly in a position of power. Given these relatively fixed conditions, the only remaining variable is your wanting to make things happen. Take this first step. 2. Stick to your list of tasks: Keep your mental focus by taking control of what you can actually create, change or improve. We tend to be driven more by matters related to others, and so remember that there are those who depend on your efficiency, effectiveness, and accuracy. Consider this your waking up on the right side of the bed. You can manage a list much better than you can manage a relationship. 3. Channel your energy towards a challenge: Rising to the occasion is not only an accomplishment, but it’s also a discovery of your skill, discipline levels, and determination. It acts as a reaffirmation of what is already there, and an empowerment that is worthy of your attention. Take a moment to take it in, then decide where best to aim that excess energy. 4. Manage a win, then take it home: Accept the good that is happening to you and around you. At times when things are difficult, we tend to go blind to whatever good there is. Whether we like it or not, we tend to choose to stay miserable– I’m not so sure, but it might be the easier way to go. That said, if you get a pat on the back then embrace it; it was well-deserved. This is baggage you want to take home with you. In stressful situations, contrary to popular say-so, don’t leave work at the door when you come home especially if it’s the most stable part of your day. This idea may seem to counter popular logic, but don’t nay say it just yet. Your productivity is there for you to lean-on for strength. It’ll give you that push to handle what’s happening on a personal level, and allow you to think more clearly. You aren’t weak anymore, and so you’re confronting the issue while having the upper hand. Most importantly, it’ll teach you how to be resilient, and better handle that kind of stress the next time around. Make the right decisions, and stress might just be your greatest motivator.