Amidst a sea of international franchises, a Dubai-based accessory and bag designer is tapping into consumers’ growing demand for unique and original designs that can be customized to create a truly individual item. Originally from Lebanon, Cynthia Pennikian’s signature designs are rooted in Arab culture but her work takes inspiration from pop art and everyday modern life. Marketed under the Ceecode label, an example of Pennikian’s retro approach to combining high fashion with individual customisation is her use of car license plate as inspiration for some of the bags in her latest collection.“Us Arabs are always interested in our license plate numbers, sometimes paying thousands for them to be unique or adding the number one. That’s why I thought it was a great idea to have them on clutches,” said Pennikian. The move has proved popular with the public, with growing demand for the limited edition pieces. “When we first started, we were selling 45 bags a month right away. Then 60 pieces and now the demand is much higher. The move now is in this direction, local designers are into graphical, bold references and Arabic pop art,” she reported. Only in the market since 2011, Ceecode’s success has meant it is now distributed in five Gulf countries – UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Qatar - with plans to penetrate the Kuwait market by end of year. Ceecode also recently moved their headquarters and main showroom to Dubai since they have identified it as the hub of Middle East’s fashion world. “We are seeing a lot of interest from Asia, like Tokyo and Singapore, as well as GCC locals. Women are becoming more daring than before, the minimalistic phase has passed and now they want to be edgy, especially with their accessorising,” stated Pennikian. “Emiratis are more into classical designs and genuine leather; Kuwaitis are more daring and like to try more stuff. GCC overall is more brand oriented, but they want to try out new designs at the same time.” Having that one stand out piece can make all the difference in the outfit and this standout piece in particular comes at a very affordable price. The prices range from $275 to $685, with an option to customise both the text and the finishing, for an additional cost. Limited editions such as “Style for Eid”, ‘Ready for Ramadan” and the “World Cup” series are also being launched in order to tap into upcoming celebrations, but tailor-made finishes are certainly the most demanded items of all. “People request for their bag to replicate their real plate number, BBM pin number, nick names and birth date. Having it personalised is what makes it more special. And as we always say at Ceecode: Carry Yourself!”